Eimear O’Sullivan

Hi, I am Eimear. I have a busy active life and I love nothing more than having time to wind down. Yoga and meditation have become a beautiful way for me to find peace and calm.  I love and value authenticity, compassion, and kindness.


I came to yoga 14 years ago, looking for a way to look after myself physically and find some calm in a busy life. I have attended classes on and off over the years and always found myself wanting to know more, to understand the poses and to gain insight into yogic philosophy. A few years into my yoga journey I finally found Aruna. It is set in a beautiful venue which feels like a mini retreat at every class. I could not believe that practising in a way that respected my body still resulted in feeling stronger than ever in my practice. I knew when Laura advertised yoga teacher training that it was for me.


In yoga we meet ourselves on the mat, how we practice yoga reflects how we live our lives. A huge learning curve in my practice was to release expectations and meet myself in a compassionate authentic way. In the classes we will work on strength, stability, and mobility. We will work on the physical postures including these elements during the class and gently meditate on how to enjoy these elements in our daily lives.
